Cover Letter Letter of motivation

Letter of interest – Junior Legal Expert – Sample

Taking into consideration your advertisement announced on the web site JobsEurope.net I would like to apply for the position of Legal expert.


I have been upgrading my primary working experience as an independent lawyer on my current position as a legal expert on the IBRD Legal and Judicial Implementation and Institutional Support Project implemented within the MoJ and is in final phase of piloting.


This engagement provided me contacts and business cooperation on international level with people from different social structures, intellectual profile and age, furthermore providing me great interpersonal, communicational and organizational skills, performance flexibility and capacity for permanent personal development.


In addition, in cooperation with the IBRD I am preparing Draft Projects, Project Assignments, propose project solutions and prepare ToRs based on which I conduct recruitment and selection of local and international experts who, in cooperation with the Training Academy of Judge, continuously conduct trainings and workshops for implementation of the Judicial Reforms.


Besides the experience in the overall legal regulation in all areas and degrees, the Human Resources additionally challenge me as an area and sublimation of the law, economy and management, which will make my individual performance complete.


I hope that pursuant my qualifications, intellectual performances and work experience I will be capable to respond to the required responsibilities and tasks covered by the work position you announced as open.


Thank you in advance for the possibility to be personally invited on an interview in order to present my knowledge, skills, capabilities and personal characteristics.



Name Surname


Please find attached my Resume.